Today I spent some time working on my dotfiles for Windows.
In the last year I switched to a full Linux environment and I have gotten quite used to my workflow there.
But now I have to switch to Windows again due to work.
Learnings of the day
Powershell has execution policies
“RemoteSigned” should be reasonable for personal clients
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
command does not exist ->cat (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath
Use of
Invoke-Item $profile
to quickly open the powershell configI would like to know who came up with the brilliant idea to put the personal powershell config at
I really don’t like that there is no convention like
for Windows. Everyone puts configs where they feel like.Winget is a great package manager with pretty much all tools you need (so far)
winget install zig.zig fzf BurntSushi.ripgrep.MSVC
Windows has security concerns with symbolic links -> need to be an administrator to create them. This sucks quite a bit.
Dotbot can do more than creating symbolic links
- We can ensure directory structures exist
- We can directly execute shell commands
- => We probably don’t need anything else aside from an install script that executes dotbot
GlazeWM is very nice and allows me to have the same workflow on Windows as on Linux